
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Strike is Over!

So the teacher's strike is over! And now that the pain of the strike is done, I am happy they stuck to their issues!
But I was so distracted with trying to homeschool my children (definately not my strength) I made a fatal flaw in the block I was creating!
Funny thing is that it took me a while to figure out why it looked wrong!
I must be tired! I think I need another cup of strong tea!


  1. hate how those angle seams eat length! I've gotten caught more then once too :-)

  2. That's okay. I think that my head is on wrong too some days so I can relate to your kitty in that block! LOL

  3. Its cute. I laugh because we all do the same thing. We look at something and then -oops find a flaw. Good for the end of strike.

  4. i know the feeling - sometimes i wonder what the hec i was thinking!!!


  5. It's not wrong - it's different. Adds character.


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