
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Old Tobacco Road - Step 1, 4-patchs Forever

So I've been so busy with the Teacher's strike (Still no school for us!) and with my sewing that I almost forgot to post!

Well, Step one is to sew a whole bunch of 4-patches. And I mean a WHOLE LOT!

Bonnie always gives everyone the opportunity to pull from your stash to create her quilts and gives directions that are very friendly for 'Sew-Betweens' (what you make with your Leaders & Enders)

Anyhow, I don't have a big basket of pre-made 4-patches ready to go. So to achieve my 182 4-patches, I had to begin from scratch! So here are my steps:

  • Cut my cream fabric into 2 inch (2") strips, and my fabric family of blues and greens also into 2" strips.

  • Sew one cream strip to one dark stip.

  • Cut these strips into 2" chunks -- enough for 182 4-patches (I know I need some of this fabric leftover for the next step, so I had to really keep track.)

    • Last step is to sew your chunks into 4 patches! 182 four patches, but I did 190 because we need a few half-4 patches and I figured I'd take the 'runts' or the "baddies" and cut 'em in half.

    I'm really excited to see how this quilt will turn out. I love Bonnie's quilts and everyone who is working on this one is doing some really different color combinations. When we are all done, I will try to post links to everyone's pics. Of course, Bonnie also puts a lot of links on her website of the finished quilts as well.

    I really think that might be my favorite part. Seeing how everyone used fabric and color selections to make beautiful and unique quilts from the same wonderful pattern.

    Well, Keep Quilting!



    1. Dionne,
      Thanks for stopping by...I like your 4-patches...yea, well just one step, but you will beat me I am sure...not that it is a race! I think your kids will one day appreciate you and your mothers efforts...they just have to grow up a bit....My youngest is the one who made this little outfit for her guy. Good luck with OTR

    2. Hi Dionne......ooooaaauugh. You are doing the quilt I'm wanting to do. I am AMAZED so many people can whip out all these quilts. I seem to lag behind!

      I appreciate your well wishes too! I have you on my google reader as well. Us "good guys" need to stick together, right?

      Can't wait to see the rest of your quilt. Maybe I can step in there soon with one of my own.

    3. P.S. About the lettering....yeh, doing the lettering is kinda hard and TIME consuming.....BUT I'm surprised my baby quilt lettering didn't take me ALL day like I thought it would. Your instructions on this "OTR" are great. I may go in there right now and pick out some fabric for it. YOU'VE INSPIRED ME!!! I'm mad at this baby quilt of mine right now anyway!


    Thank you for leaving me a message!